Black holes. There are many. They are very dense matter that creates that effect. Everything is connected. We are given half the mathematical equation. Yes, black holes pull, but something pushes us or pulls us in the opposite direction. We are missing something. Polarity shifts on the Earth prove by core samples that the iron faces one way then the opposite at other layers. Electricity flows - to +. Many examples of misleading things accepted as fact due to ignorance or leaving out key details. Flat Earth is a distraction.
Yes there are core samples that show shifts from - to +, but we dont know why that is (best speculation by scientists is crust displacement) As for the black holes, they are the distraction. They are only mathematical equations, which have been stipulated to create something that doesnt exist. Dont try to explain to me what black holes are, I studied heliocentric model of the universe, I know how it works. It is a fable, to keep you locked on a "planet" which you cant leave without space ships...
Not true, other dimensions are possible. But here is a question for you. Did you know that superstring theory that "Proves 11 dimensions" uses 13 independent assumptions to get there.. With 13 independent assumptions (that literally do not depend on any of the previous ones) I can prove that you are a unicorn...
Black holes. There are many. They are very dense matter that creates that effect. Everything is connected. We are given half the mathematical equation. Yes, black holes pull, but something pushes us or pulls us in the opposite direction. We are missing something. Polarity shifts on the Earth prove by core samples that the iron faces one way then the opposite at other layers. Electricity flows - to +. Many examples of misleading things accepted as fact due to ignorance or leaving out key details. Flat Earth is a distraction.
Yes there are core samples that show shifts from - to +, but we dont know why that is (best speculation by scientists is crust displacement) As for the black holes, they are the distraction. They are only mathematical equations, which have been stipulated to create something that doesnt exist. Dont try to explain to me what black holes are, I studied heliocentric model of the universe, I know how it works. It is a fable, to keep you locked on a "planet" which you cant leave without space ships...
Black holes lead to quantum theory. Other dimensions. No room for other dimensions in flat Earth.
Not true, other dimensions are possible. But here is a question for you. Did you know that superstring theory that "Proves 11 dimensions" uses 13 independent assumptions to get there.. With 13 independent assumptions (that literally do not depend on any of the previous ones) I can prove that you are a unicorn...
So, why do all planets travel in the same direction in our universe?