posted ago by MNisahellhole ago by MNisahellhole +10 / -1


Super Bowl (winners)? Puppy (sex_urban dic)? Q

This post got me thinking considering the super bowl coming up. I focused on the puppy part and figured I would head to urbandictionary and search “puppy”.

Now hang in there with me...

I’m scrolling thru page 3 and the 18th definition struck me as interesting.


  1. makes bad people go good
  2. makes straight men go gay
  3. makes everybody no matter who you say the biggest "AWWWWWWWW, how cute!!" you will ever say.

mass murder "AWWWWWWW, WHAT A CUTE PUPPY!!" Straightest of straits "OMG, THAT PUPPY MAKES ME FEEL SO GAY!" by Jessica+Russell <3 February 09, 2009”

Interesting, (peep the date, bad>good, mass murder? Straightest of straits(sp)?, I’m no geography whiz but a strait could correlate with “watch the water”) so I click on the author and they have 3 total posts. The 2nd post was the word “lava” which I searched for any relevance and found none. The 3rd post there however was

@(^0^)@ a koala made up of symbals on the computer or txt.

@(^0^)@ koala <:3))~ mouse :) :( :0 =) =( =0 =D :D ~o()> icecream by Jessica+Russell <3 March 02, 2009

For shits and gigs I searched for “koala” and was surprised when directed to post 2501.

WHITAKER (in conjunction w/ OIG) approved the release of CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony? List advantages. Will the release occur post scheduled testimony? List advantages. If those testifying 'know' select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony? DC has become RAT infested.

Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

Does UK stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US? Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US? Will immediate action(s) be 'publicly' taken within each country to REUNIFY THE BOND that was once held PRIOR TO…….[CLAS 9]? [Koala] Q

One last thing. In the koala post from urb_dic the word “symbols” was misspelled “symbals”. Not a music major either but cymbals are a percussion instrument. Wait for the Crescendo?

I might be crazy, but this seems freakishly relevant... thoughts? Time for me to head to the loony bin?