Scavino - tweet - 6.07AM
Q 607 - is something about a Trump tweet and the UK - warrants a look - but it's not related to this.
BUT Q 706 is just this :
so what could that mean ?
a little piece in the jigsaw puzzle you might ignore.... square brackets and a dash.....
what does it match with in the other drops ?
matches with this one :
[next week]
[next week]
[next week]
suicide week
and we also have several references to the super bowl and what comes next and a comparison to a puppy show that have popped up in numbers - hints from Pompeo.
so my take is that [-] = blank week
before the count starts......
so it looks like :
[next week] Mon 8th Feb
[next week] Mon 15th Feb
[next week] Mon 22nd Feb
suicide weekend = 27/28 Feb
(i believe those numbers / dates also match up with some other drops) (i am not gonna get into all the different drops and numbers that led me to this as i've done it kinda on the fly - jigsaw puzzle - but to me it stacks up nicely). so we have the circus of impeachment and then it's gonna start falling apart on them....over 3 weeks.
i believe the military is not the way actually - they are there for protection and to police things - to impose rule of law - it's both an enforcement - a big stick - a psychological - "you have no way out" - and also a bluff - a mislead in Q posts.....
what would be the best outcome possible ? think about it.....
imagine a murder trial - we've all seen law and order tv show....
the murderer is pleading innocent - "wasn't me"
then the prosecutor gets new evidence - and has a meeting with the judge and defense lawyer in the judge's's damning evidence - there's no argument any more......
NOW - the DA and the Judge put their foot down !
Your client can plead guilty and make a full confession and we will take it into consideration in sentencing - that's not a DEAL !!! - that's a : you might be shown some mercy if you repent and show remorse - you see the picture ?
A deal would be : ok..... he did a murder in cold blood - but if he pleads guilty we'll reduce it to manslaughter and he gets 10 yrs - out in 3-5 for good behavior - that's deal.
All these spooks - resigning - and then confessing - and Biden on live TV - declaring the election a fraud - Kamaltoe resigning in crocodile tears - then carted off in shame - how can anyone argue with that ?
Will there be justification for riots ? Is it a coup ? Is it Trump's fault ? How many other politicians are suddenly gonna get questioned ? ALL OVER THE WORLD !!!!
This is the greatest show on earth - not poxy arrests and a military coup - have some class - USA is not Myanmar....
They will be made - forced by their own situation - (and 12ft barbed wire fences) to recant everything and to resign and confess everything.
Did SoS in PA need to be arrested - well that might come later - but SHE RESIGNED !!!!!!
One by One they all go...
Rat face in Georgia - AZ - PA - WI - MI - one by one they all resign - all the way to the damn top. Then the trials can start later on.
BUT IF THEY stand down - they resign - they confess
The left is FINISHED - CNN will have to report it all - the soy reporters and manboy women journalists will have to report it all - no one can say a WORD against it.
Full confessions, total capitulation, complete defeat.
Of course the scumbags will try to worm and whine and maintain some dignity and face - and of course that will simply be used against them in their trial - which wil come later- BUT THEY WILL ALL BE MADE TO resign - and the top ones will have to announce it live on TV.
There is no better outcome in the world than having your detractors, enemies and people who have stolen from you and tried to defeat you through all kinds of dirty tactics - come out and resign and admit what they did.
and if the evidence is there - and TRUMP said he has it all - there will be nothing these people can do - they will have to stand down in total shame.
Note that your scenario does not exclude the military. If they are not in control right now, then none of the above will happen. Nobody is going to confess to anything so there will be no rollup. So even that part of the Plan is not misinfo. It's just that the military is being used in a different fashion than most folks expect to see. It would be a better solution for them to confess publicly than to have tanks in the streets because if they do confess, then what are the rioters going to riot against? Go back to the first Q post. There was a lot of concern about rioting. What you describe above would make a lot of sense.
Yeah, that would be great.
Quitting is not in Donald Trump's vocabulary.
Morals and ethics are not in the DS vocabulary, only denial and projection.
I will have to see it to believe it.
This is great! If Dumb and Dumber confess and concede, then no one can say it was a military coup because they’re not taking over. No one can blame President Trump because they’re admitting it all themselves. Brilliant! Hope against hope you’re right!
Next week would be the third [WEEK]
I don't know about the rest of you anons but I'm slowly running out of patience.
It's fun playing games and trying to decode little crumbs or reading something into every tweet or event but what I'd really like to see sooner rather than later is for the military to say we've had enough of this charade.
I wanna see the big boys start kicking in doors and bustin' some ass.
I wanna see dems and rinos in cuffs, begging for mercy before being brought in front of military tribunals.
I wanna see the grin on Trumps face as he locks the swamp creatures away one by one.
I wanna see the MSM and big tech brought to their knees.
I wanna see our world flourish again.
That’s plausible because a slow rollout is less likely to trigger severe retaliation.
You're Right, and that's post #700-- Here's post #699
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [Next week] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We warned you. You are stupid. Can you sleep? We can help. Q
Both posts #699 and #700 are dated february 9th. The house impeachment fiasco gets passed to the senate on february 9th.
I believe it makes best sense...
you're in DC behind a 12ft barbed wire fence
you are presented with the evidence and it's overwhelming
you must resign
higher ups need to provide a reason / a presser / at least a press release
no one can argue against it
media has to cover it
it's the perfect take down....
you don't need a military coup to deal with stupid people - you just face off with them once they check mate themselves.
its been brute decoded. check my Wall O Text.
not trying to post hogg but several dropps were left off.
nice and also the Space Force isnt going to tell Biden anything.
Constitution =good
Interesting thoughts.
I agree with you in that I'm confident the confessions will be an important part of it. It is the only way people will be able to digest/accept it.
February should be a big month.
Sounds Plausible
This coincides with post
Good luck with all of that.
To add to the puzzle and in regards to the Super Bowl: Do you know what happens behind the scenes at every Super Bowl? Human trafficking.
why is super bowl the big human trafficing event - i don't necessarily doubt it - but why that - why not the NBA or the Guns n Roses concert or the NBL or etc. ?
just the big national event or ?
I don't know about the other events. It could be happening then, too. However, it seems as though you always hear about the trafficking during the Super Bowl. Perhaps because it's a bigger event??
i suppose it's one of the biggest social events of the year - very swampy and the tickets are so high priced that it's many many celebs and top elites and etc.
a good excuse and a good cover for a big pow wow