"There is not one man who does good, no not even one". You nor anyone else will be forgotten. We all have an appointment to be judged and we all will be found guilty of breaking God's laws.
"The wages of sin is death". Believe that Jesus died in your place to pay for the death sentence for sin, and that he was raised from the grave by God and you won't be judged for your life but will be judged as if you lived the life Jesus lived. You'll be set free and God's justice is still served.
Plus, Jesus returns at the end of the Great Tribulation, a 7-year period where God pours his wrath on the whole earth. His believers will be raptured out before this time, so if you're planning on meeting him here you'll have 7 years of hell on earth to endure first. Many will be saved during this time, but they'll be beheaded for their faith. Live for Jesus now or die for him later, but there is no other way. Jesus said, "All who come to the Father come through me."
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians reassuring them that they did not miss the rapture. The Bible also says Christians are not appointed to God's wrath. The purpose of the tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel, is to bring the Jews to Christ.
There is also typography of a pre-tribulation rapture throughout the OT. Enoch and the flood, Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah, Daniel and the fiery furnace.
"There is not one man who does good, no not even one". You nor anyone else will be forgotten. We all have an appointment to be judged and we all will be found guilty of breaking God's laws.
"The wages of sin is death". Believe that Jesus died in your place to pay for the death sentence for sin, and that he was raised from the grave by God and you won't be judged for your life but will be judged as if you lived the life Jesus lived. You'll be set free and God's justice is still served.
Plus, Jesus returns at the end of the Great Tribulation, a 7-year period where God pours his wrath on the whole earth. His believers will be raptured out before this time, so if you're planning on meeting him here you'll have 7 years of hell on earth to endure first. Many will be saved during this time, but they'll be beheaded for their faith. Live for Jesus now or die for him later, but there is no other way. Jesus said, "All who come to the Father come through me."
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians reassuring them that they did not miss the rapture. The Bible also says Christians are not appointed to God's wrath. The purpose of the tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel, is to bring the Jews to Christ.
There is also typography of a pre-tribulation rapture throughout the OT. Enoch and the flood, Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah, Daniel and the fiery furnace.
This is a pretty organized and neat presentation of some of the info: https://calvarychapelkaneohe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PreTribulationRaptureProof.pdf