804 Lin Wood > Kappy thumb drive (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by SleepyDaDwarf 4 years ago by SleepyDaDwarf +806 / -2 191 comments download share 191 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Pede, this is amazing! Are you able to email your findings to Kerry Browning at the 11Alive news desk? His contact info is: kbrowning@11alive.com Thanks so much! He was polite and professional and sincerely asked me for evidence of voter fraud! https://www.11alive.com/article/about-us/team-bios/kerry-browning/85-bb8fc82b-74d6-4c35-9009-92bbd0970189
You can even say you heard he is asking for evidence. Thanks!
Will do.
Many thanks!??????
See my 25 links added to Litehouse list below.
Wowza! Q20191776, did you email these also to Kerry Browning? How can they say Lin’s claims are baseless”? This evidence is overwhelming! I’m glad Kerry asked for evidence bc he is certainly getting it!