"I asked you to tell me you are not a pedophile lover. Seems like you declined to answer that request."
Why would I ever dignify that with an answer? What kind of a fucking question is that? I'm on a Q board supporting an organisation that is taking down pedo cabals. That is a ridiculous pointless question to ask, which makes me think you are a leftist shill looking to bait as reaction out of us. You won't get it. Nice try though.
"I asked you to tell me you are not a pedophile lover. Seems like you declined to answer that request."
Why would I ever dignify that with an answer? What kind of a fucking question is that? I'm on a Q board supporting an organisation that is taking down pedo cabals. That is a ridiculous pointless question to ask, which makes me think you are a leftist shill looking to bait as reaction out of us. You won't get it. Nice try though.