The legal process shouldn't be this long for big things like this, or even small things like nationwide election fraud that has the entire country invested on both sides of a massive lawsuit
Here's what doesn't make sense. What they did is criminal but has yet to be addressed as such in legalese. We're only guaranteed a speedy trial in criminal cases. Yet another reason to detest lawyers...
why does it take so long for these cunts to act?
That’s the legal process
dammit. a rational answer to my rage...
Nah, it's not really rational.
The legal process shouldn't be this long for big things like this, or even small things like nationwide election fraud that has the entire country invested on both sides of a massive lawsuit
Maybe not but it seems to be the trend.
Here's what doesn't make sense. What they did is criminal but has yet to be addressed as such in legalese. We're only guaranteed a speedy trial in criminal cases. Yet another reason to detest lawyers...