I'm lucky my husband is very open minded and just doesn't know. He doesn't discount the possibility that all of this is real. And he listens to me about all of this. He's just a lot like me and is very skeptical. Honestly, I was exactly where he was just a couple of weeks ago. It's only been recently that I've really come to see that all of this is really true.
But hey I'll take on the fence and doesn't think I'm crazy. I'll take it and be grateful for it :)
The Ultimate Q proof video followed by Fall of the Cabal.
My mother in law also introduced me to some prophets that have very good records. I started watching their videos and some videos of phophetic dreams and interpretations. These are non Q people that are basically saying a lot of the same things as Q. Just today, I was watching one and she said God told her that "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming." I got chills when she said that. She said it will be like a landslide. That it will begin with smaller stones and that's how we know it's coming. That will start the landslide and will metaphorically shake the ground and the big stones will follow. From my research, she has an extremely good record of her prophecies coming true. And there are so many people prophesying and having prophetic dreams, and they are all saying the same thing. Trump will win and will be president for 4 more years. Nothing can stop it. God is bringing justice and judgment on this evil.
So it's a combination of the videos and my faith in God. I just feel in my soul that this isn't over, yet. God has given me a peace that surpasses understanding. I only get feelings like this every once in a while, but when I do they are never wrong. I knew my husband would be my husband the day I met him. It's like a deep knowing that something is true. It's impossible to describe, but I've learned to listen to this feeling even though it freaks me out hahaha
God, please happen soon so that my family stops thinking I’m crazy.
My wife asked me to turn the computer for a few weeks since the election is over.
I just laughed and said this is far from over.
I’ve never seen her look at me with such concern.
So yeah... I need this to be true.
I'm lucky my husband is very open minded and just doesn't know. He doesn't discount the possibility that all of this is real. And he listens to me about all of this. He's just a lot like me and is very skeptical. Honestly, I was exactly where he was just a couple of weeks ago. It's only been recently that I've really come to see that all of this is really true.
But hey I'll take on the fence and doesn't think I'm crazy. I'll take it and be grateful for it :)
Just curious...what convinced you?
The Ultimate Q proof video followed by Fall of the Cabal.
My mother in law also introduced me to some prophets that have very good records. I started watching their videos and some videos of phophetic dreams and interpretations. These are non Q people that are basically saying a lot of the same things as Q. Just today, I was watching one and she said God told her that "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming." I got chills when she said that. She said it will be like a landslide. That it will begin with smaller stones and that's how we know it's coming. That will start the landslide and will metaphorically shake the ground and the big stones will follow. From my research, she has an extremely good record of her prophecies coming true. And there are so many people prophesying and having prophetic dreams, and they are all saying the same thing. Trump will win and will be president for 4 more years. Nothing can stop it. God is bringing justice and judgment on this evil.
So it's a combination of the videos and my faith in God. I just feel in my soul that this isn't over, yet. God has given me a peace that surpasses understanding. I only get feelings like this every once in a while, but when I do they are never wrong. I knew my husband would be my husband the day I met him. It's like a deep knowing that something is true. It's impossible to describe, but I've learned to listen to this feeling even though it freaks me out hahaha