I listen to x22 a lot but i notice he takes hopeful claims from places like this and states them as facts. I'm not a datefag but the longer we wait the more normalized Biden is and the harder it will be to pull anything off. He signed 40+ EOs already, put tens of thousands out of work with the swipe of a pen.
Do we allow people to starve and commit suicide to "prove a point" that will be harder to prove with every moment that passes?
My patience is growing thin because a fucking 3rd world country took action and we ARE BECOMING a third world country.
I love Pompeo tweets but I'm getting tired of the aerobics of adding time stamps and dates and seeing 17.
The electiom was stolen, it was certified, and he's been inaugurated.
LEFTIST GOVERNORS sent their NG. Guards are waiting OUTSIDE not inside.
If Q is legit, it requires US to make noise, not keep sitting back and eating popcorn. Even under Trump the right LOSES and LOSES and when we rally we wave flags for a day and go home.
WE are the plan, why do you think Q is so silent? Bust out some fucking numerology to justify sitting on the sidelines, people.
MYANMAR took action and the leaders of the FREE WORLD are watching a dimentia patient ruin us exponentially day after day.
I listen to x22 a lot but i notice he takes hopeful claims from places like this and states them as facts. I'm not a datefag but the longer we wait the more normalized Biden is and the harder it will be to pull anything off. He signed 40+ EOs already, put tens of thousands out of work with the swipe of a pen.
Do we allow people to starve and commit suicide to "prove a point" that will be harder to prove with every moment that passes?
My patience is growing thin because a fucking 3rd world country took action and we ARE BECOMING a third world country.
I love Pompeo tweets but I'm getting tired of the aerobics of adding time stamps and dates and seeing 17.
The electiom was stolen, it was certified, and he's been inaugurated.
LEFTIST GOVERNORS sent their NG. Guards are waiting OUTSIDE not inside.
If Q is legit, it requires US to make noise, not keep sitting back and eating popcorn. Even under Trump the right LOSES and LOSES and when we rally we wave flags for a day and go home.
WE are the plan, why do you think Q is so silent? Bust out some fucking numerology to justify sitting on the sidelines, people.
MYANMAR took action and the leaders of the FREE WORLD are watching a dimentia patient ruin us exponentially day after day.