So you just stole an election and what's the first thing you do? Continue on as normal!?!
Yes yes, I know, muh 70,000 jobs, but aside from that and some EOs half of which have been halted or overturned already what really has changed? If I just illegally siezed power, the first thing I do is make sure I stay in power. Curfews, mask mandates, National Guard tanks patrolling the streets of major cities- you think it off the top of your head and it should be happening. It's not. They control the media so they don't need public opinion. This is the most pitiful Communist Takeover I have ever seen... I mean it's the first one I have seen, but it doesn't at all align with the ones I've read about in history.
So let's ask ourselves...
Why are the Marines not saluting Biden?
Why aren't the Dems celebrating, having parades and taking photo ops after siezing all branches of government? Seriously where's the Pelosi, Schumer and Biden photo ops?
Where's the uninhibited legislation that's supposed to be ramming up our butts? Sure some are trying, but not everyone has been... informed yet.
Why is Biden being denied intelligence briefings? He's the president isn't he?
Why did Trump seem to give up after his speech on the 6th? This isn't the man we got to know the last four years. This isn't the prize fighter we were promised.
Please feel free to ask more questions. My point is, none of this feels right at all. And even if there is no secret plan, there's still the American spirit. So regardless, I choose hope.
My portfolio is down 50%, but that's perfectly fine, since my bets are all on Trump's cabinet and against Joebama's cabinet. All my positions are in markets that close on March 1st. So I'm not really worried. If I lose a few hundred bucks, that's fine! Because if I win, I make 6-8x my money. And right now, I think the chance Trump wins is much higher than 1 in 6 or 1 in 8.
nice you probably got this. seems like lots of rumblings about 3/4 though.
my market settled on 2/1 and unfortunately i bet the farm
I hope you bought some GME, too. Its still pretty low right now, and that squeeze ain't squoze yet. I didn't buy for the profit, but if we just hold on it could be friggin huge
Nope, I don't trade stocks. There will never be a short squeeze. Melvin didn't lose a huge amount of money:
I really hope this is not true, but to me, it looks like the Wall Street Bets people will be the ones holding the bag :(
However, I've been buying gold and silver for the past 6 months and just loaded up on some more of it a few days ago. If Q delivers, the Great Awakening happens and Trump moves back to the gold standard, the price of precious metals could go up 5-20x.
I still have faith in the GME squeeze. The short to float ratio is still over 100%. They've been ladder swapping to drive down the price and scare us into selling. It aint squoze yet.
But good on you for stocking up in PMs. Smart. I started 15 yrs ago on that myself and trying to get others to do the same. Some listen, some don't.
So no matter what happens with GME, Im ready. Its more about taking a stand in some concrete way.