during WW2, German military figured out to watch the contrails to get a hint on where the Allied bombers were headed. so how long did those contrails persist? 2 minutes? 5? 20?
edit: as an older person, I remember watching the skies as a kid, and seeing plenty of contrails. my father, an electrical engineer in the aerospace industry had to explain to me how the were formed.
False....contrails do linger for hours.....tell me how a “true contrail” is formed?
Who's downvoting this? Contrails often linger for HOURS. It's called WINTER. The persistence of a contrail is determined by atmospheric conditions.
during WW2, German military figured out to watch the contrails to get a hint on where the Allied bombers were headed. so how long did those contrails persist? 2 minutes? 5? 20?
edit: as an older person, I remember watching the skies as a kid, and seeing plenty of contrails. my father, an electrical engineer in the aerospace industry had to explain to me how the were formed.
I'm older, too.