183 A brief word about "Chemtrails," the utterly mentally-retarded conspiracy theory (that when you look up and see a contrail, that means that commercial planes are 'spraying' overhead), since it's been brought up: (greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by catsfive 4 years ago by catsfive +201 / -18 369 comments share 369 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Not scientifically, you dont... unless you took a sample from the vapor cloud itself and had it analyzed, you're literally just GUESSING. An unscientific guess.
Im relaying an observation. Stop trying to argue with me.
Your observations mean nothing. "I see army tanks on the railroad today, that means we are going to war with canada!!! "
Shut up lol.
When someone cant argue with facts logic and reason.... insults. Figures.