Who’s to say some of the many jet fuel additives don’t include harmful metals/chemicals that are dispersed from the exhaust?
Here’s a documentary about them with people claiming to have tested snow, dirt, rain, and air showing high levels of metals (aluminum and barium) that shouldn’t be there.
That study claimed to have proof of widespread spraying, suspected coal fly ash, and leaving aluminum everywhere.
Also, this whistleblower from the military claims she had proof of “chemtrails” because she saw the barrels of chemicals herself that had no other use at her base. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Geoengineering-Whistleblower--Ex-Military---Kristen-Meghan.html?soid=1108369064136&aid=20pXSssOiLA
The official claim from this FAA article is that the long lasting cloud-seeding contrails are formed from impurities in the fuel, “Sulfates and nitrates act as nuclei for subsequent cloud droplet growth which ultimately form in contrail particles.” https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/noise_emissions/contrails/
Who’s to say some of the many jet fuel additives don’t include harmful metals/chemicals that are dispersed from the exhaust?
Here’s a documentary about them with people claiming to have tested snow, dirt, rain, and air showing high levels of metals (aluminum and barium) that shouldn’t be there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0khstYDLA