Well places like Oregon have been caught doing this with lithium and other chemicals. Just saying. I don't think "EVERY PlaNe THatT HaS a TRaiL" is doing it. I just know that it has happened, and wouldn't surprise me if it still occurs some places.
Here is the NASA admittance article. The local news never made it to the web that I know of. It is just well know by people who were reporting this. The local "spraying" was done as a study on a smaller scale to see how it affected people more dramatically as best I can find. No direct sources on that. But why would there be?
Thanks! Now this is what I'm talking about. Except, one thing, ummm... has this been covered anywhere else other than www.OhMyGodChemtrailsAreReallyReallyEvil.com?
FROM YOUR LINK: These are high wind experiments launched by rockets, not seeded by aircraft.
Well places like Oregon have been caught doing this with lithium and other chemicals. Just saying. I don't think "EVERY PlaNe THatT HaS a TRaiL" is doing it. I just know that it has happened, and wouldn't surprise me if it still occurs some places.
Link, pls
Here is the NASA admittance article. The local news never made it to the web that I know of. It is just well know by people who were reporting this. The local "spraying" was done as a study on a smaller scale to see how it affected people more dramatically as best I can find. No direct sources on that. But why would there be?
Thanks! Now this is what I'm talking about. Except, one thing, ummm... has this been covered anywhere else other than www.OhMyGodChemtrailsAreReallyReallyEvil.com?
FROM YOUR LINK: These are high wind experiments launched by rockets, not seeded by aircraft.
www.geoengineeringwatch.org is an excellent resource