Here is the NASA admittance article. The local news never made it to the web that I know of. It is just well know by people who were reporting this. The local "spraying" was done as a study on a smaller scale to see how it affected people more dramatically as best I can find. No direct sources on that. But why would there be?
Thanks! Now this is what I'm talking about. Except, one thing, ummm... has this been covered anywhere else other than
FROM YOUR LINK: These are high wind experiments launched by rockets, not seeded by aircraft.
I read that about Q the other day. Just some wakos online talking about space lasers and stuff. Q didn't mention chemtrails. But nasa talks about doing what the locals all claimed on a larger scale. So make your own mind up. You are acting like CNN talking about "QAnaon" right now. If its not real to you, why do you CARE?
catsfive sounds like a typical know it all redditor who builds up straw man arguments that no one made and knocking them down.
they are a fucking MOD on a Q forum, and trying to shit on absolute facts that cannot be refuted with any comment except for "HUR DUR WHERE DOES IT SAY EVERY AIRCRAFT IS SPRAYING US LIKE EVERY SINGLE CHEMTARD SAYS!!!" then proceeds to google ww2 bomber contrails for proof.
u/catsfive has done what they were complaining about on a bigger scale, and brought more attention to it. almost seems like it was done intentionally. if they wanted to look retarded and get everyone to actually show the proof, good on em'
Facts? What facts? All y'all do is bail like losers when I ask the real questions. So, OK, let's go, then:
Let me get this straight: You're saying all contrails disappear, but if they have the chemicals being sprayed, they persist in the sky? You're saying that contrails always disappear, unless they have chemtrail chemicals in them?
What's doing the spraying in your theory, the engine? Or secondary systems unrelated to the engine, but on each aircraft, designed to look like it's coming from the engine, i.e., four trails from a 747/380, two from, say, a 737?
I have personally taken apart a 737 engine. Nothing spraying in there. At all.
I have personally taken apart a 737 wing. Nothing spraying in there, either.
Well? Were the bombers that were making PERSISTENT contrails also chemtrailing?
This .WIN is being inundated with chemtards this past week, and the mod team is noticing. What I've done is draw all you out into one thread, where I want to understand what the evidence you think you have looks like. What happens instead? Downvotes, and silence, which is pretty much to be expected when presented with these legitimate questions.
Here is the NASA admittance article. The local news never made it to the web that I know of. It is just well know by people who were reporting this. The local "spraying" was done as a study on a smaller scale to see how it affected people more dramatically as best I can find. No direct sources on that. But why would there be?
Thanks! Now this is what I'm talking about. Except, one thing, ummm... has this been covered anywhere else other than
FROM YOUR LINK: These are high wind experiments launched by rockets, not seeded by aircraft.
I read that about Q the other day. Just some wakos online talking about space lasers and stuff. Q didn't mention chemtrails. But nasa talks about doing what the locals all claimed on a larger scale. So make your own mind up. You are acting like CNN talking about "QAnaon" right now. If its not real to you, why do you CARE?
catsfive sounds like a typical know it all redditor who builds up straw man arguments that no one made and knocking them down.
they are a fucking MOD on a Q forum, and trying to shit on absolute facts that cannot be refuted with any comment except for "HUR DUR WHERE DOES IT SAY EVERY AIRCRAFT IS SPRAYING US LIKE EVERY SINGLE CHEMTARD SAYS!!!" then proceeds to google ww2 bomber contrails for proof.
u/catsfive has done what they were complaining about on a bigger scale, and brought more attention to it. almost seems like it was done intentionally. if they wanted to look retarded and get everyone to actually show the proof, good on em'
Facts? What facts? All y'all do is bail like losers when I ask the real questions. So, OK, let's go, then:
Let me get this straight: You're saying all contrails disappear, but if they have the chemicals being sprayed, they persist in the sky? You're saying that contrails always disappear, unless they have chemtrail chemicals in them?
What's doing the spraying in your theory, the engine? Or secondary systems unrelated to the engine, but on each aircraft, designed to look like it's coming from the engine, i.e., four trails from a 747/380, two from, say, a 737?
I have personally taken apart a 737 engine. Nothing spraying in there. At all.
I have personally taken apart a 737 wing. Nothing spraying in there, either.
Well? Were the bombers that were making PERSISTENT contrails also chemtrailing?
This .WIN is being inundated with chemtards this past week, and the mod team is noticing. What I've done is draw all you out into one thread, where I want to understand what the evidence you think you have looks like. What happens instead? Downvotes, and silence, which is pretty much to be expected when presented with these legitimate questions. is an excellent resource