in America. In Ethiopia today, for instance,
A notable snippit:
..."the Qeerroo muslims also perform “door-to-door attacks on Christian households” armed with guns, spears, machetes and swords to slaughter Christians..."
So frens, pray for our brethren scattered abroad in some very dire situations, and may the Lord Jesus multiply good rewards to them for standing so boldly in the face of oppression!
Also please pray for the Boer farmers in South Africa, who this story somehow reminded me of.
Africa would be turned into the new China. The world's next cheap labor force.
Live in a society where your government openly shows you how little they regard the value of life and your society will quickly turn into that. How quickly did "Chad" reach it's sell-by-date. With the correct example to follow, Africa will thrive peacefully. That "Example" being the USA. In the 1970's the South African currency was worth 2 British Pounds to 1 Rand. People were living peacefully and prosperous. Nelson Mandela was a University educated lawyer who owned his own successful practice along side Oliver Thambo. Situated on Main st. in the middle of corporate Johannesburg. It was when the communist and USSR supported ANC was introduced to South Africa. We rejected it off hand, so they Implemented and trained the MK "uMkontho we sizwe" (spear of the nation) and the ANC 'Youth League' to terrorize the nation into submission. Look up a USSR War Strategy called "The Peoples War". Soviet training camps developed it in Vietnam and used all over Africa. That's why you see AK-47's everywhere. Africa is a shithole by design. It is being kept there because the CCP/cabal (no more USSR since 92) wants to move it's manufacturing off shore, to where it's cheaper. Africa is stuck in it's own mid-evil age. As a white South African seeing what this continent is exposed to, I won't lay the majority of the blame with them. If BLM farts in the US, we smell it. MSM popularized Mandela, forgetting about the 12 798 black South Africans who he burnt to death ("Necklacing" is what he called it). It's Media who has generated more hatred towards my ethnicity as a Afrikaner than 1940's nazi Germany. ?I'm worse than a nazi in the media's narrative. This Is Africa because no one is exposed to the truth. Isis is now setting up camp here in South Africa, we even had Al-Queda training facilities, there are 13 Chinese police stations here to police their own people, next to Mumbai, the city of Durban is the second densest population of India born citizens, there's a Nigerian gang lord on every block of the Johannesburg metropolitan. The last white rhino died two years ago, thanks China. This country is a mess and it got this way because 30 years ago, media convinced 62% of South Africans that Mandela's communist ANC was a good idea. Not just our media, your media orchestrated it, and now you have antifa and blm... It's way too late for South Africa, but the US still has a chance to turn it around. Don't miss it.