It's always been assumed it would be the arrest of Obama, but he can't even draw a crowd any more.
So who would anger the woke the most? AOC? Bernie? Biden?
It's always been assumed it would be the arrest of Obama, but he can't even draw a crowd any more.
So who would anger the woke the most? AOC? Bernie? Biden?
IMO probably not a politician, most of the left spends their days on social media. Politicians are just a means to an end, a person in power who can push through laws that the mob wants.
I think if you're looking to anger the left, which I don't think we really wanna do... we wanna help them see the corruption... would be a tech CEO. Jack Dorsey or Mark Zuckerberg come to mind. The arrest of either of those two followed by the complete re-working of their respective social media's would enrage the left undoubtedly.
Imagine a free un-censored Twitter with moderators taking action against ALL bots/shills. Half the left break Twitter rules daily, if the rules were applied equally across the entire platform it would be Red as Texas in a week.