Strange Pastebin
? Notable
Follow the rabbit hole A B BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:09a;881 åé½å¶ç FN:881 åé½å¶ç 09a ORG:CAPITOL PRODUCTION ATTN. RC UNITY TITLE: ADR:;;33865 Capitol;Livonia;MI;48150;USA TEL;WORK;VOICE: TEL;CELL:+19063653163 TEL;FAX: EMAIL;WORK;INTERNET: URL: BDAY: END:VCARD
Strange thing is that QR code, did anyone read it successfully?
Tried in many ways and also edited the pic on photoshop to align timing line but with no luck, also version information blocks are weird, looks like there are to many blanks
This has been a series of odd/offputting videos.