Aussie pede here. I live in Perth, the most isolated city in the world. Thankfully we have been able to go about our business mostly as usual... Yet this last week we had ONE single CASE of the China virus and half the state was locked down for a week. At least in the US they can't make you wear a cuck muzzle. Here you can be arrested and refused bail!
Facism at its finest.
Hehe! That sucks, bro. NSW is very much the same. Population of 6-7 million people yet if 5 people get covid we go into lockdowns or area restrictions.
Don't forget to wear your mask on the train otherwise $200 fine. :P
And yeah, momentum is starting to build up around the vaccine. Some news outlets went a bit heavy on the propaganda the other day. Basically, there is no room for concern - you either are pro-vax (according to media this means you are enlightened and righteous) or are anti-vax (backwards devil spawn).
There is no middle ground for anyone who has concerns over a rush vaccine.
Yeah the trust in government is scary over there. Frankly, you should make the move to Texas now. We need the votes and we will band together over brisket and campfires.
When they start trying to mandate a vaccine here in Sydney, is the day I start civil disobedience. I'll probably end up in jail. The police force here in NSW is probably cucked and will follow 'orders'. I swear the older I get, the more I feel the need for a complete overhaul of our government.
They give us no rights and it's fucking infuriating.
Dirty cunts!! ( Do not be offended, cunt is a perfectly normal word in Oz)