What started me down this path was a video with pics of President Trump in the Oval Office with Sarah Palin, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. This was aired 4/17/2017. Look out the widows, looks very similar to the scene outside the Biden windows. You see the driveway and a car parked outside. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/trump-welcomes-sarah-palin-kid-rock-ted-nugent-46933480
Sarah Palin's Facebook posted the same pic dated 4/20/2017. https://www.facebook.com/sarahpalin/photos/pb.24718773587.-2207520000.1492740483./10155261643268588/?type=3&theater
Here is the video released of Biden signing EO's. Look at the landscape though, its the same as the picture above in 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m55tzTIJwwA&t=75s
This diagram shows the Oval office off the west wing. The left and center window of the Oval office would be oriented toward the horse shoe drive circling the south lawn. This is where the black cars are parked. https://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/410ab9d5ec7713e35897c7a7497fad19?width=650
Here is a picture of the Oval Office widows from the outside. http://www.whitehousemuseum.org/west-wing.htm
Now, this article says President Trump made his FIRST trip as President to California on March 12th 2018. So I don't think he traveled to Castle Rock studios in 2017 to take the photo with Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-makes-visit-california-president-amid-immigration-controversy/story?id=53686537
Here are 4 links to President Trump's Oval Office where there seems to be lots of trees and shrubs outside the widows. https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/XScudNSOSZVwSILfHGYgA32fxaM=/1440x0/smart/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DS77D7WQEII6TJRABKIWK3L5WY.jpg
Here is my guess at what is going on. We know there were several assassination attempts on POTUS. Perhaps the trees and shrubs were placed outside the windows to prevent a sniper from getting a clear view of the President when he was in the Oval Office. However, this was done after he had been in office for some time. The video of Biden signing EO's was taken back during the time when Kid Rock and Ted Nugent paid him a visit.
Did you know that Steve Mnuchin was a film producer? On February 13, 2017, Mnuchin was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Secretary of the Treasury. Here are all the movies he produced. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6518391/
We notice the press is not allowed to talk to Biden. This is all a act, it is fake press at Biden events, they are most likely instructed to try to ask questions but they are ignored by Biden while someone ushers them out. We hear a reporter ask Biden about covid relief bill before the video is cut, so this video could have been recorded more recently at Castle Rock. They are using old(2017) and new footage in this movie. Just like the girl in the pink dress that disappeared at the inauguration, they were blending prerecorded with live footage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoe--dN48wE&feature=emb_logo
Here is another shot of the video above. Look at the press, anyone you recognize? Look at the Senators sitting with Biden, could they be body doubles? That does not look like Harris's eyes, Romney looks too young. Is this why everyone in the country has to where masks for a fake pandemic, just so they can pull of this movie? Here is another photo. https://img.nbc.com/sites/nbcunbc/files/images/2021/2/02/210202_4305373_President_Biden_meets_with_Republican_senato.jpg
I remember someone quoting Hillary on election night when she lost. she said, "Someone better fix this or we are all going to hang". What if the military had all they evidence they needed to arrest the deep state the moment President Trump won? Pedophile stuff, Benghazi, Hillary email server, Iran nuclear deal, Uranium One, selling out our country, pay to play, ties to communists and muslim extremist. What if the deep state was arrested very early on and what we have been living through is a Steve Mnuchin production?
Q started posting in Oct 28th 2017. His first post he said Hillary would be arrested Oct 30th. She had already been arrested, Oct 28th is when the movie started. The evidence that was gathered after the arrests was then slowly leaked out to prepare the public. The chapters of the book slowly played out with Trump always having the upper hand and seeming like he could predict the future, because he was writing the future. We are now in the final chapter and nothing can stop what is coming because the ending has already been written.
This would explain everything. I could be wrong, see if you can poke holes in my theory. Thanks for playing.
Extras: Here is a video tour of the West Wing I found that I thought was interesting. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/about/inside-white-house/west-wing-tour
Here is a article comparing all the Oval Offices going back to FDR. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-oval-office-white-house-design-2018-1
Here is a cool webpage called the White House Museum. Lots of old pictures of the White House. http://www.whitehousemuseum.org/
Stay safe my frens!!! WWG1WGA!!!
why would king sniffy have been wearing a mask back in 2017???
Facui was working on this thing in Obama years, there is also a book published in the early 80s about a virus that broke out of a lab in China in the year 2020 and it went global...
Link to book?
Dean Koontz The Eyes Of Darkness