there's not ONE country on this planet that wasn't overtaken by someone in its past. this dumb shit needs to just shut her mouth. she owns land stolen from those very indigenous peoples she feels so sorry for... why does she not giver her land and home to her favorite tribe???
this is one for the ages!!! top shelf stuff!!!!
you cannot hate reporters enough!!! she makes a false premise and expects JD to accept it... he knew better and left her better dish untouched!
funny how those fags talk about "real men" when democrats cannot define what a WOMAN is!!
this was AWESOME!!! that dumb shit kept digging her hole deeper... the Trump supporter knew not to say anything and let the police do their thing.. I hope he did buy a round of drinks for those who had to be in the presence of the stench of that liberalism!!
when Trump is elected... EVERY one of those "officers" that violated rights of the civilians needs to spent time at gitmo... or take a ride on the rope!
oh, HELL NO!!! if that fat ass catches fire, it'll be a chernobyl util the grease burns off!!
her dildo runs off of a harley v-twin engine with one cylinder mis-firing!
she is NOT suicidal.... until next week......
hey asshole... you misspelled USA!!
now that's a common core number right there!!
rofl... she's NOT nearly that black!!
next story: Trump increasing global warming because he's encouraging the people to use more gasoline! NEWS AT 6:00.
people looting other peoples property need to be fitted with cement boots and fed to the floodwaters. especially the illegals.. since they 're not actually here, according to the current regime, then they won't be missed! as a society, we need to fend for ourselves and no longer count on the gubmint and law enforcement. if we wait for them... we deserve what we get.
interesting.... any Monkeywerx watchers will remember that as this hurricane was "developing" he was tracking planes cloudseeding in the Barbados area on the north east side of South America. Those planes were registered in/to Germany!
it would be cheaper for him to identify as a chameleon! he's got the eyes for it!
rofl.... lets park those trucks right downwind from the hazardous chemicals.... dei fire departments??
this can be a picture of any hole from anywhere....
we have enough poor people right here in the USA.
looks more like a frozen pizza dispensary than fresh baked....
funny... all these big countries building big factories in meheeko and yet all the people want to flood in here to the USA... i guess the freebies are better than working!!
probably ukraine blue and yellow!
these gatherings sponsored by Goodyear and Michelin... and Amaco.... but not Geico!
she ain't no doctor!!