posted ago by RadDog2020 ago by RadDog2020 +29 / -1

I started to type this as a response to a discussion about "what if Q is a larp/psyop/honeypot". Then I realized I needed to type out the cliff notes of my personal story and acknowledge my gratitude for the people here, even the shills and trolls and people like that on other sites and irl. Spoiler alert: I think Q is genuine and the plan is still in play.

I've been a truth aficionado may whole life, When I heard President Trump was running, I didn't care because I was fully blackpilled,I voted libertarian just to flip off the whole system even though I know they wouldn't and probably shouldn't win. I had called obama as the next president about 4 years before he ran because i saw how the media foreshadowed him. i predicted bush jr the same way 2 years before he ran and that he would take us into iraq, I learned that from watching how they pimped bill clinton then seeing him win. for obamas last term I was calling hillary vs jeb in the 2016 election with jeb getting more votes but clinton stealing it somehow similar to bush/gore. I had been getting into researching the clintons and rumors that hillary had a female sex slave and that they were into some weird stuff possibly wichcraft, this came back to focus after the wikileaks drops of the emails before the election, that led to "pedogate" which opened the whole can of worms to the actual connections between so many people with influence and power.

Then I heard President Trump speak, he gave the famous speech where he laid it all out and hinted at many of the things that I had researched and thought nothing would be done about, I had ignored him because he was on TV and so connected that I assumed he must be in on a lot, I did the homework and saw that he has loved our country for a long time and had said and done a lot that i liked. By the time the election came, the undercurrent in the truth community, the fact that he talked about having an idea who really did 911, used the term "drain the swamp" (which is the title of the original NESARA write-up), giving the country back to the people, how bad the media and do-nothing suits and pant-suits were mocking him, I had a feeling that something unprecedented was going to happen. The night of the election, I just knew he would win, Didn't even stay up and watch. Slept like a baby and woke up to liberal tears. I was so at peace that I even prayed when I saw the clip of obama flying away on AF2.

Then along comes Q.

I first was skeptical too, it was 4chan after all and many thought it was already well compromised and censored, I also remember posts from someone namefagging "Q clearance patriot" at least a year before Trump came on the scene to run.

After a while of lurking and paying attention to Q and listening and talking to other people who were also interested I saw how we were tying together all the "conspiracies" that couldn't be unproven and debunking and throwing out the ones we could.

I have been fascinated by feeling that something was being kept from me since I read a book that mentioned roswell when I was in grade school.

I was into the clintons and the body count including possibly JFK Jr and also possibly paul wellstone , how the dems and repubs were colluding against us, 911, all the wars, that the news is a big commercial for their ideology, disney subliminal messages, oil,fiat currency and the big banks, cannabis prohibition and the paper industry, paperclip, mockingbird, rothchilds, the vatican, JFK murder, Bush families nazi ties (this was my start of learning how the "cabal" is all blood related) agenda 21, , flu shots, Big pharma killing us on purpose, some IRL stuff related more to my location and interests, so much more.

I couldn't enjoy the "sports" or so-called entertainment (brainwashing) that my peers enjoyed or really have a normal life because i saw stuff everywhere, the symbols, coincidences. i started seeing things were tied together but i couldn't really believe that it was real, i was kind of sure that I had a psychosis and I was making connections through some kind of confirmation bias (which if I am wrong, this is how they got me) it was scary and lonely but now millions more people are talking about all of it and helping to solve the puzzle, it let me know that I didn't have to do this alone, I could let out a little more info,safety in numbers.

Then it all coalesced into this decentralized ongoing discussion of people from all over the world that had been lurking or openly looking at this stuff too, new people started coming in that had no idea of any of it before Trump and Q.

This new group of pseudo-anons (the digital soldiers) have helped me really flesh out what I knew and didn't know and gave new details, new evidence, opened my eyes to much more detail and new angles I never saw, people with all kinds of skills and backgrounds and the sweet maymays, some of the dankest ever because a good meme has at least a grain of truth and we have a ton. It's the network effect of truthing for the greater good.

This is either 100% true and it's happening or this is the ultimate honeypot to identify and target the very best people on Earth and if that is the case, I'm still not worried because Q showed me that enough good people still exist and that I'm not a psycho,(although I and many of us have a form of ptsd from this) I was more brainwashed than I thought, they washed the hope out of me and now it's back. We know what they are doing and it's not going to work. We are smarter, stronger, more capable and now we are better equipped plus we outnumber them.

W W G 1 W G A

We won, Trump won, GOD Wins! it=happening plan=trusted show=enjoyed

Thank you for being here and take care, YOU MATTER!. -Rad