It is winter, and the trees are deciduous and therefore bare. The sun shines from the South in a northward direction, illuminating the red brick walls of the Peter Parker House bright enough to correspond to the colour in the GAB photo. The Peter Parker House is only 500 ft away and three stories high. If not Peter Parker House, then a second taller building, also red brick, can be seen beyond Peter Parker House in that direction.
Note the rows of blue-green canopies. A straight and clear line of sight can be drawn from the Brady Press Briefing Room to the red Peter Parker House over these canopies, and the camera is pointed in that northwestward direction. Take note of the inevitable wide-angle lens distortion, which may mean that the view out of this second window is closer to north-northwest than true northwest.
All these indications point to this room in the photo being indeed the Brady Press Briefing Room.
That does not mean you give up hope. It just strengthens the integrity of your knowledge, arguments and strategy. Now you're not left wondering if Biden is or isn't using the White House. Instead you're now figuring out how to damn well get Biden out of the White House which he has absolutely no right to be living in.
I see the similarities in the image, but look from this point view, taken in March with the same tree cover, from the PP house. Not possible to see it. Also the depth of field is wrong. The wide angle lenses need to be opened wider inside - low f stop. The lower the f stop, the shorter the depth of field.
View from PP house:
I haven't lost hope at all. I've been w/ Q since day 01 and Pizzagate before that.
Here's an earlier photo with Kayleigh McEnany with a similar angle of view to the buildings. Here you can again see the blue-green canopies but this time you see the upper storey of the cream-brick building that neighbours Peter Parker House. The cameraman is situated further back in this photo so the direction is closer to true NW, and is also taken from a lower angle.
This should prove that is is indeed possible to see the upper storey of Peter Parker House, which is the same height as the cream building.
It's good that you haven't lost hope at all. I'd rather that you do so armed with the right information though than with any information that our opponents would poke at and disprove.
You've made a good case. Something is still off. Out of the same window in the Kayleigh pic, you are looking at what appears to be the Eisenhower OEB. Granted, the sight line is more acute than the other photo. I'll remain open minded about it and am going to dig more. Of course, I could always hop in the car and go check it out since I'm 20 min from the WH. But, I'm not a fan of disarming to go into town. Thanks for the alt view.
No worries. That window annoys me because it's often blinds-down to control lighting so you can't triangulate what's in that general direction.
My feeling is that the WH-is-a-set theory is a misdirection that can have us easily ridiculed. I've seen enough to say that editing has definitely occurred (think Sunny Capitol on "inauguration day"), and that some of the photography may have been taken on a set (I recall an earlier photo of Biden in an "oval office" where the windows were the wrong way around), but I don't think all of it is fake. In this case, I argue that this photo is geuninely at the WH.
One theory I have is that some of the earliest footage and photos were staged elsewhere until they could get access to the WH and the Capitol, but now that they have access they don't need to fake it if if they could help it. They just don't have the resources available to a real sitting President, such as the missing button call box for the Secret Service.
In fact they might actually be missing more than that, like relics to display in the Oval Office. It looks a bit... empty.
It is winter, and the trees are deciduous and therefore bare. The sun shines from the South in a northward direction, illuminating the red brick walls of the Peter Parker House bright enough to correspond to the colour in the GAB photo. The Peter Parker House is only 500 ft away and three stories high. If not Peter Parker House, then a second taller building, also red brick, can be seen beyond Peter Parker House in that direction.
Note the rows of blue-green canopies. A straight and clear line of sight can be drawn from the Brady Press Briefing Room to the red Peter Parker House over these canopies, and the camera is pointed in that northwestward direction. Take note of the inevitable wide-angle lens distortion, which may mean that the view out of this second window is closer to north-northwest than true northwest.
All these indications point to this room in the photo being indeed the Brady Press Briefing Room.
That does not mean you give up hope. It just strengthens the integrity of your knowledge, arguments and strategy. Now you're not left wondering if Biden is or isn't using the White House. Instead you're now figuring out how to damn well get Biden out of the White House which he has absolutely no right to be living in.
I see the similarities in the image, but look from this point view, taken in March with the same tree cover, from the PP house. Not possible to see it. Also the depth of field is wrong. The wide angle lenses need to be opened wider inside - low f stop. The lower the f stop, the shorter the depth of field.
View from PP house:
I haven't lost hope at all. I've been w/ Q since day 01 and Pizzagate before that.
Here's an earlier photo with Kayleigh McEnany with a similar angle of view to the buildings. Here you can again see the blue-green canopies but this time you see the upper storey of the cream-brick building that neighbours Peter Parker House. The cameraman is situated further back in this photo so the direction is closer to true NW, and is also taken from a lower angle.
This should prove that is is indeed possible to see the upper storey of Peter Parker House, which is the same height as the cream building.
It's good that you haven't lost hope at all. I'd rather that you do so armed with the right information though than with any information that our opponents would poke at and disprove.
You've made a good case. Something is still off. Out of the same window in the Kayleigh pic, you are looking at what appears to be the Eisenhower OEB. Granted, the sight line is more acute than the other photo. I'll remain open minded about it and am going to dig more. Of course, I could always hop in the car and go check it out since I'm 20 min from the WH. But, I'm not a fan of disarming to go into town. Thanks for the alt view.
No worries. That window annoys me because it's often blinds-down to control lighting so you can't triangulate what's in that general direction.
My feeling is that the WH-is-a-set theory is a misdirection that can have us easily ridiculed. I've seen enough to say that editing has definitely occurred (think Sunny Capitol on "inauguration day"), and that some of the photography may have been taken on a set (I recall an earlier photo of Biden in an "oval office" where the windows were the wrong way around), but I don't think all of it is fake. In this case, I argue that this photo is geuninely at the WH.
One theory I have is that some of the earliest footage and photos were staged elsewhere until they could get access to the WH and the Capitol, but now that they have access they don't need to fake it if if they could help it. They just don't have the resources available to a real sitting President, such as the missing button call box for the Secret Service.
In fact they might actually be missing more than that, like relics to display in the Oval Office. It looks a bit... empty.