Isn't GME over? Short positions have a strike date when the payback is due. You don't long a short, I'm pretty sure whatever damage was done is done and it likely happened when Robinhood closed the purchasing of positions and a massive sell off was triggered.
Probably not the right forum to be discussing GME, but I don't believe so, but I also hold on low positions with small bit money that I can risk losing.
Just like what they are doing with Q, why would the media continually be writing hit pieces if the hedge funds have been covered?
Isn't GME over? Short positions have a strike date when the payback is due. You don't long a short, I'm pretty sure whatever damage was done is done and it likely happened when Robinhood closed the purchasing of positions and a massive sell off was triggered.
Probably not the right forum to be discussing GME, but I don't believe so, but I also hold on low positions with small bit money that I can risk losing.
Just like what they are doing with Q, why would the media continually be writing hit pieces if the hedge funds have been covered?