I know many of us weren't happy to hear what General Flynn had to say (last night? this morning?) about there not being any plan, but hear me out:
For a few weeks now I've started to suspect that Q is not some special NSA team with some brilliant plan to save the world, but rather just a Quantum Computer which both saw the future, and is guaranteeing that future via the Q drops.
It's just like in "Avengers: Infinity War." Vision tells Tony there's a million different ways they can lose and only one in which they can win but if he tells Tony what that is, it won't happen.
That's how I view the Q drops. "Future proves past" is really important. We have to stop looking at Q drops as a plan. I really think the reason they exist is two fold:
Guarantee the future Q identified where the cabal finally falls (think of the Q drops as dominos that set other things in motion. The cabal reads them and takes the very steps that leads them to their doom in the hopes of thwarting the outcome--this happens all the time in time travel movies. And we read them and the great awakening begins)
Build our faith/hope in that future (also to guarantee it) by letting us see AFTER THE FACTS that Q knew what was going to happen before it did--not because some team of human beings had such a brilliant plan with billions of checkpoints coming true, but simply because it saw the future and took the exact actions (Q drops) that were needed to change the public consciousness and cause a true great awakening.
I think the reason Trump, Flynn, Pompeo, Wood, Powell, Lindell are so calm about all of this is that they too know that Q keeps getting it right. They know the end of the story but they don't know how we get there. If there was a plan, the cabal could thwart it. If it's simply reading the future and setting a few dominos in motion via the Q drops, then nothing can stop what is coming and we really should chill out and just enjoy the show.
*edit - just had another thought. I know the reason I thought Q was a team with a plan was the youtube video I watched called "Qanon: the plan to save the world." But two things come to mind there: first, Q said there wouldn't be any outside comms outside of 4chan and 8chan/kun. I think that video would qualify as a comm.
Second, Q said "Qanon" wasn't a thing, and seemed to suggest that the use of that term was a deep state attempt to control the narrative. Is "Qanon: the plan to save the world" the deep state psyop and not Q itself? What would be the purpose of that psyop? Maybe so we would look at the Q drops as a plan, start datefagging, and start losing our faith in the promised outcome? I could see that.
*edit #2: "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." - Proverbs 19:21
LOL ok.
Thanks for stopping by.