85 After 17 days huh?? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Pahlyssa 4 years ago by Pahlyssa +85 / -0 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Of note, he did not use the AF-1 Callsign. Also, 17 Days? 17.
Planefagging twatter link in the thread. Lists screens from 2 different flight monitors.
Callsign listed on flight monitors. He could be on a Cessna and by tradition, they would call that AF-1. Callsign dictated by who is on it. Not by the model of AC.
Wait. When did Biden's wife leave to go to Delaware?? How did she get there?
Q trolling us?
Wouldn't allow him to use it for 17 days????
Top photo cropped “UN”...how appropos.
Just a little trolling there?? The UN president? LOL
Those planes are both different for an 80 something mile flight.
I'm not a plane fag so I can't confirm. Lol. Just posting for for 17 reference
Its not AF1, AF1 is a 747, this is a C-32A.
It’s only 89 miles to Delaware from DC!
Its a 100 mile trip. Now we're just being trolled. Well, good Xiden learned something from Trump over the last four years.
He wont come back!
Nice of Trump to lend it to him.
When I take a flight in a puddle jumper I pretend I’m flying on Air Force 1, too!
What a bunch of tryhards.
Btw: What happened to Biden’s 250lb Chinese handler? Hmm?
So, he gets on Marine 1, flies over to take a jet, "AF1", to fly 80 miles? Makes as much sense as Joe ever does, I guess.
Its not AF1, AF1 is a 747, this plane is a C-32A.