Lou Dobbs canceled on Fox. Another reason not to watch.
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They canceled him because they realize the conservative base is no longer tuning in to watch their bullshit, Tucker, Laura and Hannity will be next.
According to this article - https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/05/media/lou-dobbs-fox-show-canceled/index.html (yeah, I know it's CNN, but the content seems accurate) ... "Most recently, Dobbs was named in a $2.7 billion lawsuit filed by a voting technology company, Smartmatic, on Thursday. The lawsuit asserts that Dobbs and other Fox hosts defamed Smartmatic while perpetuating President Trump's lies about election fraud." and "Sources at Fox indicated that the Smartmatic lawsuit was just one factor in the decision to cancel Dobbs. His weak performance with advertisers was also a significant factor, one of the sources said. But Fox is clearly under enormous legal pressure from Smartmatic and another voter systems firm, Dominion, which has threatened to sue the network, but has not done so to date. Smartmatic's suit against Fox named Dobbs and two other Fox hosts, Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo, as defendants."
Who, at this point, is STILL watching Faux?
This only accelerates Fox's inevitable bleed out.