posted ago by raver9876 ago by raver9876 +56 / -2

DISinformation from the Q psychological operation does two important things:

  1. It gives patriots enough hope so that they are patient enough to wait. Without that hope some patriots might have already gone out and shot up some government offices. That hasn’t happened.

  2. It creates panic among the deep state and the global elites so that they start talking about their last ditch weapons. It’s likely that they have suitcase bombs located around the world, (Beirut Harbor Explosion? Nashville Bombing?) or that they have chemical and biological weapons ready to go (COVID-19? OR the Los Angeles special ops helicopter dangerous object seizure?).

So how are they doing? The Beirut harbor explosion was probably a failure on the part of the white hats. However, by and large the Nashville bombing was neutralized. In Los Angeles, military special operators came in on helicopters onto city streets, blew their way into a building and seized something, correct? And finally it seems to me that the COVID-19 virus was released a little bit too early before the virus had been fully weaponized. As we now see, COVID-19 is only about as deadly as an annual flu and most of the high death rates are deep state propaganda coming from the globalist controlled CDC or WHO.

There is no set plan with predetermined dates. The white hats have to adjust their day to day plans based on how the enemy is reacting. Tricking the enemy into overreacting is part of the plan.