I'm going to get ahead of the curve on this one and call you an Anti-Science, Atmospheric Dust Denier! Obviously you want women, children, penguins and ferrets to die a horrible, fiery death due to global warming. Fuqqing fascist probably a Trump supporter too!
Good thing Great Leader Harris has established a Misinformation Hotline! I'm dropping 40 dimes and making the call. They'll be sending the community organizers after you.
I'm going to get ahead of the curve on this one and call you an Anti-Science, Atmospheric Dust Denier! Obviously you want women, children, penguins and ferrets to die a horrible, fiery death due to global warming. Fuqqing fascist probably a Trump supporter too!
Good thing Great Leader Harris has established a Misinformation Hotline! I'm dropping 40 dimes and making the call. They'll be sending the community organizers after you.
Remember - Orange man bad, orange sky good!