Think about it, Congress would love MSM coverage of Trump getting 'grilled' by these jackals. Why would they not try to force him to testify?
I know it's all just a movie. Just something that got me thinking.
He's been working on this speech in case he is 'required' to restify:
Testify under oath would mean he isn’t lieing! Lol and they know he’s a loose canon. Hahahaha he doesn’t always say what they want him to or answer questions like they expect.
Could you imagine the room after spewing “did you know Hilary drinks baby blood” everyone would turn white as a ghost! It’s under oath. They would have to accept it as truth.
they never know what Trump will say or leak in a matter of seconds
he cannot be controlled and he has some pretty good 'come backs'
Unconstitutional with absolutely no authority and they have fallen into every trap he set LOL. They opened the door for him already to present all their fraud and criminal ties in open hearing broadcasted to everyone per msm. Popcorn ready 3 movies playing at once ... it will be biblical ;)
Trump lawyers are not constitutional lawyers instead they are for fraud has not kicked in yet so whatever the terminology is....
I just don't know what to think about this impeachment. Lindsey Graham did an interview with Trey Gowdy where he advised it world be smart for the dems not to call witnesses because it would make the trial last for months. Trey asked him what if they do and he responded that they would have to call 5he FBI to testify that this was preplanned. Then the dem guy sent a letter saying they wanted him to testify under oath but Trump's lawyers said no. The lawyers also said they would not be talking about election fraud and defense will be how the whole thing is unconstitutional. But, one of the claims from the impeachment is that Trump lied about voter fraud. If the issue is pushed, will the lawyers be required to prove there was voter fraud?
He should testify and repeat the same lines from his thanksgiving interview:
Schumer: "You invited a violent Insurrection and the most violent attack on our country since Pearl Harbor!"
Trump: "Don't talk to me that way crying Chuck, you're just a lightweight. I'm the president of the United States, don't ever talk to the President like that" ?
Washington dc Capitol foreign country,(sovereign) Trump not gone go in the trap he set.
Thank you, I didn't realize the 5th applied to impeachment since it is not a criminal proceeding. A quick search proved me wrong.
Here's an interesting article regarding impeachment and the 5th for anyone who is interested: