posted ago by NorthusMaximus ago by NorthusMaximus +40 / -0

The fury people should be feeling about the stripping away of our most basic constitutional freedoms should be such a burning fire inside every one of us. You see how terrorizing us with plandemic fear has allowed our freedoms as Americans to be removed? People are dying of non-covid afflictions because they are too frightened to go avail themselves of medical services. Imagine you become ill and you end up in the hospital and no one you love can come see you, check on you. Let's say you give medical power of attorney to someone you trust, so the hospital can't do shit to you that kills you. But your person with POA is banned from the hospital. Or you go to the ER and when they ask if you have been tested and you say no and you don't intend to be, they try to detain you. It is happening. Child abductions have increased since mask use is being forced on the public. Dark things are easier to do when identities are so widely hidden. Biden says Dark Winter, he is talking about the black hell of being ruled by fear and manipulation and crippling economic situations for families and small businesses. And he finds it exciting and desirable to destroy, weaken, break the will and the lives, of Americans.