posted ago by UnbreakablePatriot ago by UnbreakablePatriot +28 / -1

This was on 8kun last night:


1835 10-Aug-2018 2:24:24 PM EDT 8ch/patriotsfight We are under HEAVY attack. AB[C] took control. Tripcode compromised. No. 131 Last. TRIP UPDATE COMING. Q

Anon said: "There's almost 5000(*) posts. 1835 says some were compd and 131 was the last real Q post until 1835 when they fixed the trip code.

It just so happens, all the stuff like zero risk of impeachment and trust sessions and all the wrong stuff is in the posts Q said were compd.

That leaves over 3000 non-compd posts which don't have the wrong stuff

(*) the number is specific."

Me: At the time it happened I thought Q was just referring to the one post when the trip got compromised...but the anon in the paste above thinks posts 132-1835 were ab(c) compromised. and what they wrote above is an interesting argument looking back.

If true, did Q let them do this or did they have a sleeper in their ranks and we would need to comb through those 132-1834 posts to see what should be thrown out or it just couldn't be possible and the anon is wrong??