Killary tweets yesterday at 1:48 pm about a Qanon piece in New York Times.
Go to Q drop 148
Q Drop 148 literally states the exact same thing, “NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack“.
- @MzMidniteRider333 post

Q has only used the term "multiple meanings" once (in #2524) and I can assure you he wasn't referring to timestamps having multiple meanings. The main significance of the Twitter timestamps is for Q to verify to us his coordination with Trump. What will happen is Q will post something first on the boards and POTUS will tweet something related within seconds or minutes, confirming their synchronicity. This has happened several dozen times and is what we refer to as "deltas" within the community. Q has never said nor inferred that we should be using timestamps, much less timestamp from people not on Trump's team (ie. Hillary), to match a Q-drop number.
As someone who has been following Q since the beginning, I feel that posting wrong decodes is a terrible way to introduce Q to newbies because we're encouraging bad habits and leading them down the wrong rabbit holes. I did guide. I actually posted the drops and taught people how to read the drops in sequence and learn their context before jumping to conclusions.