Killary tweets yesterday at 1:48 pm about a Qanon piece in New York Times.
Go to Q drop 148
Q Drop 148 literally states the exact same thing, “NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack“.
- @MzMidniteRider333 post

How many does he have, and have you learned all of them? Some of them seem to stump even the most ardent students.
One thing many people miss is that Q is a person (or a team of people) who often interacted with the board. Early on, he'd correct anons for misinterpreting his drops and give props to anons who decoded them correctly. When anons asked for proofs, Q would plan something with POTUS to prove their coordination. Q even did Q&As. Yes, Q dumped a lot of precisely-written intel but he also spent a lot of time building trust with the community. It was a two-way relationship. That's why I say people need to read the drops in context instead of jumping to a drop # based on some arbitrary timestamp because that wasn't how Q worked.
As far as comms go, I highly recommend picking up Praying Medic's first book in his Q series. He does an excellent job teaching people how to decipher a Q post. It's worth every penny. Unfortunately, Amazon banned his books and Youtube deleted all of his "intro to Q" videos: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/calm-before-the-storm-denise-hayes/1136279781?ean=9781734552522