I had a friend ask me why do I follow Q. I said to him. Q is the LARGEST WHISTLE BLOWER community ever created. People all over the world working together to expose the corruption in the world. This seems to work on my friend. This got me thinking more. It's easy for the MSM to bash Q due to complicating what it is. If I was creating a webpage to expand the movement. I would put a call to action with messaging like this. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LARGEST ANONYMOUS WHISTLE BLOWER MOVEMENT. Our mission is to expose the elite taking advantage of the common person. Thought I would share.
I know the Q board doesn't have much to do with this. But the board seems way too outrageous to the common person.
So ignore the board. Focus on blowing the whistle of the elites.
Bring in the board much later on.
Unfortunately, the recent calls for lists, accusations of terrorism, etc. means that creating a Q-dedicated website will be a shjcroedingers cat. 1: Plan is real & is successful -> information flows ->world eventually saved. 2: Plan has failed or was fake -> we identify ourselves as free-thinkers by signing up -> best case is we’re killed/suicided quietly, worst case is us & families rounded up/disappear Too much risk. At this point, if the plan is fake and world headed to elite control, quietly settling down off grid for a simple life is the way to go. Edit: I realize the irony in posting this on a Q based website.
FBI/CIA disclaimer, I’m a conspiracy theorist larper who believes the world could be flat, aliens could are real and were maybe in a simulation where history is fake because our .exe date was in the 1950’s (“birth of internet”). I trust god will take care of us in this so I don’t believe in offensive action. Clearly I shouldn’t be taken seriously