One step at a time. If you start with just attacking pedo shit, nobody in their right mind is going to say they are against you., only about half of the left will come out against you. But the other half, if they look into it just a little bit, the pedo stuff will lead them straight to the satanist stuff.
Fair enough, I can see how starting at the satanic stuff is a bridge too far. But once you get into it, it is clear that pedophila and satanism are inseparable, one seemingly leads to the other or at the very least, acceptance of the other.
One step at a time. If you start with just attacking pedo shit, nobody in their right mind is going to say they are against you., only about half of the left will come out against you. But the other half, if they look into it just a little bit, the pedo stuff will lead them straight to the satanist stuff.
Fair enough, I can see how starting at the satanic stuff is a bridge too far. But once you get into it, it is clear that pedophila and satanism are inseparable, one seemingly leads to the other or at the very least, acceptance of the other.