800 CONFIRMED: Mike 'Pillow Man' Lindell is SAFE AT Mat-A-Lago!!! Here is the Balcony his interview was taken on! (media.greatawakening.win) ? B O O M ! ? posted 4 years ago by StickToThePlan 4 years ago by StickToThePlan +800 / -0 85 comments download share 85 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
20 million views yesterday. I have OAN on all day and they have been playing The Absolute Truth Non Stop. God Bless Mike and POTUS!!!
Here is the DEFINITIVE pic for anyone who is still wondering if this is accurate
Here are all 3 Pics together as 1 for easy distribution: https://pasteboard.co/JNk5ZPy.jpg
Note the light fixture. The trees below the balcony. The windows. On Gmaps you can see the walkways
Send the hopium far and wide brothers and sisters
Here is his interview from Sat.
Originally noticed by this guy, I just found the balcony pic:
(Replying to this comment for exposure because some people are messaging me saying this is incorrect.)****
Thanks Fren! I hope Mike has a halftime infomercial paid for to suck the air outta of the cabal's demonic show!
That would’ve been awesome!!
yes DEF looks like that balcony
and now he's knocking the vaxes too - which is interesting cos he's in Trump's pad......
very interesting......
Where is he knocking vaxes? I wanna hear