"These files have been kept by the FBI and chances are, you have never seen them before. Audio and Video quality is the tech' of that day and era.. "as was recorded" on the day."
"This playlist is an accurate account of what happened on that day. A day that is recorded here for posterity. We would like to thank the DC, FBI office for allowing us to share these with you, the American public. We publish daily at https://george.news #KnowYourMil "
Source: https://t.me/georgenews/521
Correct about making phone calls at the heights the official narrative said happened. We already know they didn't have the ability to make in flight phone calls using onboard equipment, besides many reported receiving cell phone calls from relatives.
It's not so much about the height, although one could argue that anything above roughly 8000' would be extremely difficult to connect, the failure is connected to the speed over the ground.
Cell towers (then) only had a certain radius of a strong enough signal and when reaching the limits the cell tower hands the signal off to the next tower in sequence dependant on direction. The next tower see the signal strengthening then the first "hands over" the cell signal.
Travelling at a groundspeed around 350 - 400 kts no cell tower could carry out this hand over quickly enough for the signal not to be lost, the signal drops off. One of the many highly bizarre claims about that day in history was the use of cell phones at 30,000'!
I forget the lady's name, she was cabin crew, calling a loved one. If you listen repeatedly to her call, right at the end she clearly whispers "it's a frame" undeniable when you've heard it!