We don't listen to those who have no faith. Your lack of faith doesn't affect me. God has this and he wins every time he puts his chips on the table, Game over.
Dear Patriot, read Israel’s history, for the Lord punished the nation many times in the past where believers and miss guided believers place their faith in guidance other than the Lords. The Lord does not win, because He does not play, He is the creator and gave each of us free will. It is up to us how we use it. Christ told those who believe and obey and endure will he saved. Even before his death Christ prayed for His, not the world who refused to see and repent. Prepare to stand in truth if you truly believe, as America has become a disobedient nation of false believers, whose hearts are mixed with the world, therefor in danger of judgment. He said, many in that day will come saying Lord, Lord, but I will say I knew you not. They made their own faith and it became idolatry. Pray not to win, but to be true to the gift of salvation and His calling. Much love.
We don't listen to those who have no faith. Your lack of faith doesn't affect me. God has this and he wins every time he puts his chips on the table, Game over.
Dear Patriot, read Israel’s history, for the Lord punished the nation many times in the past where believers and miss guided believers place their faith in guidance other than the Lords. The Lord does not win, because He does not play, He is the creator and gave each of us free will. It is up to us how we use it. Christ told those who believe and obey and endure will he saved. Even before his death Christ prayed for His, not the world who refused to see and repent. Prepare to stand in truth if you truly believe, as America has become a disobedient nation of false believers, whose hearts are mixed with the world, therefor in danger of judgment. He said, many in that day will come saying Lord, Lord, but I will say I knew you not. They made their own faith and it became idolatry. Pray not to win, but to be true to the gift of salvation and His calling. Much love.