No... sometimes a photo is simply used to represent. Someone talking about a sunny day on the horizon so they link a photo of a sunny day. Any sunny day. Talking about a cute cat they saw today and they link a photo of a cute cate. Any cat.
Now did Biden actually go to church? I don't know. That's not my point.
Totally understand what you mean by using any photo to represent an idea or phrase but I feel like using the same photo along with the the phrase “quietly attending church THIS morning” misrepresents what’s he trying to convey. Downvotes are probably due to rough a monday I dunno
Sometimes a photo is simply used to represent.
No... sometimes a photo is simply used to represent. Someone talking about a sunny day on the horizon so they link a photo of a sunny day. Any sunny day. Talking about a cute cat they saw today and they link a photo of a cute cate. Any cat.
Now did Biden actually go to church? I don't know. That's not my point.
The 18 downvotes is concerning. Wtf people
Totally understand what you mean by using any photo to represent an idea or phrase but I feel like using the same photo along with the the phrase “quietly attending church THIS morning” misrepresents what’s he trying to convey. Downvotes are probably due to rough a monday I dunno
You missed my point
"this morning"
You missed my point
The point of this thread is the impossible claims that the two photos are taken at different times.
Your point was unrelated to the topic so I assume that's why everyone missed it.