The Shot Heard Round The World - Articles of Correction and Lawful Conversion for US corporations to continue Lawful charter in America.
? B O O M ! ?
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If this is true, everything I have been reading about is true
if not, someone took a lot of time to be 'fraudulent' and put one over on people
worth the read
This is very interesting, because if a corporation, say for example, Google, Inc., fails to recharter, all their properties, material and intellectual, are forfeit. Could not be a bigger BOOM ever.
And, this is backed by the force of the American Military, which happens to be controlled by our Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump, who happens to be under contract with the American States Assembly.
And for those who poo-poo this and say Anna Maria Riezinger is some fringe nutcase, I say to you that the American People will have your property within the year. Ignore this at your peril.
non renewal of a corporate ‘charter’ (I assume you are referring to articles of incorporation?) does not invalidate property rights.
Domestic corporations are incorporated under state law.
Read the blog site and cannot find any reference to any actual law. I’m open to any ideas, but have never seen anything about the us corp theory that doesn’t just gloss over the substantive law. Seen lots of stuff about us corp filing bankruptcy but never any info about where, under what chapter, etc.
I’m atty with access to law databases. Post some code articles or case reference. I’d love to be convinced
Also might want to look here:
Maybe this can help.
This is entirely outside statutory law. Basically, we are returning to the Public Law as it existed in 1870.