UPDATE: Well guys... In light of new perspectives, I will concede on this one... Although it hasn't been completely proven wrong yet, I also don't want to accidentally mislead anyone... So, while I continue to investigate things, I'll pack this one away under "Debunked"... I'll leave the post up the way it is for historical reasons and I'd like to thank all of you for participating in the conversation! It's the only way we are going to get to the bottom of any of this... Keep up the great work and let's continue encouraging one another to find the truth!
I found this article and it seems to align with what we are seeing... I have faith... You decide how you feel about it!... Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill https://truth11.com/2021/02/08/congress-biden-arrested-as-military-rescues-tortured-children-from-tunnels-beneath-capitol-hill/ Here is the video directly in case it's too small on the site... PEDOPHILE RING INVESTIGATION CENTERS AROUND WHITE HOUSE, CAPITOL BUILDING AS CHILDREN SURFACE https://www.bitchute.com/video/0IR7QW3GaJTb/ IN RESPONSE TO THE NEGATIVE GLOOMERS I'm beginning to wonder who the Patriots really are here... I'm hearing a lot of "me me me me gimme gimme gimme", instead of "What can we do to catch the rest of the newcomers up on how to think of what's happening?"" You need to decide whether you take WWG1WGA seriously or not! The new world is not going to function any differently with that mentality... That selfish point of view is how we got into this mess... Have faith, be patient, and especially be compassionate and tolerant to those who are just waking up! Be the army of God, Truth and Justice that you say you are! Otherwise it's just hypocrisy! Demonstrate the change you want to see in this world!
Well its stated Charlie ward was said to have confirmed this so with that being said I wouldn't put to much credibility into this. Don't get me wrong I would be great if this was true , but charlie ward seems to be a bs artist
Every bit of truth comes surrounded in BS, especially with an Op like this... Why is it so hard to see that they cannot give away their game plan... We've been told by Q repeatedly to read between the lines and those with faith seem to be able to do that... I've been listening to many of these people and have noticed that the enemy is too... How stupid would it be to give all your moves and dates to the enemy before they are defeated... What I've noticed is that if people are patient enough, a lot of the things that appear as misinformation is actually truth with the dates of action purposefully changes as to throw off the enemy... But most people are so lacking in faith, they write it off completely the first time the date doesn't match... This is an extremely complex plan that Trump is involved in and in the end we will all end up looking like a bunch of whiney children when the complete scope is revealed... Have faith...
Ive often thought since Disinfo is necessary and Q says [they thought this date so ammunition spent] could possibly be the reason for people like charlie ward giving these dates of mass arrest or events cuz obviously the enemy is checking these boards too. If 5,000 articles of anti Qanon have been published then the blackhats are shouting Q is a real op! Why else woukd the articles say Qanon promotes violence or anything but patriotism and think for yourself and exposing corruption that we who know Q kmow beyond a shadow of a doubt is true. I cant confirm the children, but in this world at this time anything is possible.