It is possible for most people, it just takes sacrifices. Downsizing, moving to a lower cost of living area, etc. Having one parent work from home, etc.
I agree it may be very difficult in California, but her son is already at home learning which means she must already be home with him. My husband was homeschooled all the way up. It only took 2 hours a day when he was little and 4 hours a day when he was in high school. And by high school, his mom didn't do a whole lot. He was given the books and materials and told to complete the assignments. He would go to her if he had any questions, but for the most part he said he was good learning on his own. They now have online classes, but you as a parent can pick the curriculum and what is being taught to your kids.
My sister spends more time doing homework with her kids than my husband's mom spent doing all of their schoolwork. And my husband now has an MBA and is so smart. His mom gave him a LOVE of learning and taught him HOW to learn and not just memorize information, so he is always learning new things. School is the biggest time waster there is. They spend half the day correcting kids behavior and teaching just utterly useless stuff. My niece and nephews can barely read and write and don't know their multiplication tables (6th and 8th grade). Common core is horrific.
It is possible for most people, it just takes sacrifices. Downsizing, moving to a lower cost of living area, etc. Having one parent work from home, etc.
I agree it may be very difficult in California, but her son is already at home learning which means she must already be home with him. My husband was homeschooled all the way up. It only took 2 hours a day when he was little and 4 hours a day when he was in high school. And by high school, his mom didn't do a whole lot. He was given the books and materials and told to complete the assignments. He would go to her if he had any questions, but for the most part he said he was good learning on his own. They now have online classes, but you as a parent can pick the curriculum and what is being taught to your kids.
My sister spends more time doing homework with her kids than my husband's mom spent doing all of their schoolwork. And my husband now has an MBA and is so smart. His mom gave him a LOVE of learning and taught him HOW to learn and not just memorize information, so he is always learning new things. School is the biggest time waster there is. They spend half the day correcting kids behavior and teaching just utterly useless stuff. My niece and nephews can barely read and write and don't know their multiplication tables (6th and 8th grade). Common core is horrific.