Just call her and say your kid was upset about that question... and explain to her that a mask makes no difference if 2 kids are playing together for 8 hours straight.
It’s none of her bussiness or the class of the other kids cover their face at home.
Do this politely.
As for your son. Make him to west a mask non-stop, and start questioning the rediculousness himself.
Also take him to a place that is cold - and let him see the air coming out of his mouth himself whilst he wears the mask.
You’re not going to convince kids with a bombardement of data. He’s in 3rd grade.
Next time the kid wants a friend over - say no... since it’s a covid risk.
Teach him to be responsible and consistent, and to make his own decisions.
You don’t need to tell him every government conspiracy... let him just experience the rediculous bullshit himself.
Make the kid realise he can’t have it both ways. He either does a proper lockdown - and not have friends over - or he can bring a friend over. His choice.
As for his school mates and not fitting in... nobody likes a constant factoid machine with Aspergers.
Instead arm him with covid jokes. Make the kid laugh. Stop ranting at him about doom and every conspiracy enacted by government...
instead make your kid the cool kid.
Start browsing tik tok or some shit - and find a funny clip..
I found a hilarious one the other day. But can’t find it. Some kid gets told by two old fat Karen’s to wear a mask. He is like I’m healthy and too sexy. Do I look like I have a virus? He moonwalks out. Lol.
Talk to the teacher.
Don’t go full red pill on her.
Just call her and say your kid was upset about that question... and explain to her that a mask makes no difference if 2 kids are playing together for 8 hours straight.
It’s none of her bussiness or the class of the other kids cover their face at home.
Do this politely.
As for your son. Make him to west a mask non-stop, and start questioning the rediculousness himself.
Also take him to a place that is cold - and let him see the air coming out of his mouth himself whilst he wears the mask.
You’re not going to convince kids with a bombardement of data. He’s in 3rd grade.
Next time the kid wants a friend over - say no... since it’s a covid risk.
Teach him to be responsible and consistent, and to make his own decisions.
You don’t need to tell him every government conspiracy... let him just experience the rediculous bullshit himself.
Make the kid realise he can’t have it both ways. He either does a proper lockdown - and not have friends over - or he can bring a friend over. His choice.
As for his school mates and not fitting in... nobody likes a constant factoid machine with Aspergers.
Instead arm him with covid jokes. Make the kid laugh. Stop ranting at him about doom and every conspiracy enacted by government... instead make your kid the cool kid.
Start browsing tik tok or some shit - and find a funny clip..
I found a hilarious one the other day. But can’t find it. Some kid gets told by two old fat Karen’s to wear a mask. He is like I’m healthy and too sexy. Do I look like I have a virus? He moonwalks out. Lol.
Here’s one with bubble boy. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMed9RDwC/
Watch the bubble boy movie too.
Teach the kid to be funny. Use humor, man... stop being so serious about. He is just a kid.
So teach him how to use humour to win hearts. Don’t teach him to be a factoid machine. Show him how to laugh about it.
Now dad... this is your homework... watch this movie please... well worth it:
Life is Beautiful
Trust me - watch it.... don’t say you don’t have time... just watch it.
Now that you’ve watched it - realize that our situation isn’t even that bad.
Just show your kid humor. How to win with humor. How to be a cool kid; rather than an outcast.
And if you lack humor yourself - many parents do.. they are disconnected... you can learn to be funny. Or again social media funnies.