posted ago by garnrob ago by garnrob +212 / -1

Interesting that George News Telegram account posted newly declassified (I am assuming that they are legit based off of other posts that seem to be insider type stuff) 9/11 unreleased FBI videos of The Pentagon

if you go to the Youtube link, the titles on 6 of the 9 videos are all started the same: We Will NEVER forget. Justice is Coming. Part 1 (through 6)

I have not watched these yet. there are two sets of videos, one playlist has 5 videos and the other has 9.


Never forget: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2LGgL6W_72p8aoyp6n9PPsryDX_DuDD_ &

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsJ7d_Vx1v9bKW0TfYpibjWlcD2pI4qS6 YouTube The Pentagon on that day. - YouTube t.me/georgenews/521