101 () posted 4 years ago by Sa1tyBastard 4 years ago by Sa1tyBastard +101 / -0 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'm still waiting on this to break wide open.
Thank you for not giving up Salty!
What are you using to decrypt the file? Did you also try the string between the parens:
("cultstate.com has issued protections on this matter" [inside the quotations])
Presumably this doesn't unlock with the password from Lin Wood? Can anyone confirm?
Could a quantum computer hack aes156 encrypted files?
Not sure anyone has access to a quantum computer and the software tools written to attack aes256 on it.
Where did you find this file?
The password is: "cultstate.com has issued protections on this matter" [inside the quotations]
I didn't realize you needed to include the quoted and [inside the quotations] as part of the password.
Still didn't decrypt for me though. Tried veracrypt, gpg and openssl
Luck. A very important word?
Man, I don't know a single thing about this but I am impressed. Best of luck to ya, OP!
I saw this a while back.
I wonder if anyone has tried using the password for his iCloud, if it's still active? Wouldn't that possibly have the iPhone backup?
You can’t get into his iCloud without his UN and PW