The unbelievably faked false-flag Capitol “attack”, and this coordinated supine response (as described in this letter) that enabled the grotesquely false narrative which the Left is now using to a) call patriots “domestic terrorists” and b) “impeach” a private citizen for calling for peace... it’s going to implode so spectacularly as to take 2/3 of Congress with it.
Once the loser dominoes (“they totally just killed a girl, dudes!”) at the bottom start to fall, this movie is going to be a blockbuster.
And how did those in charge of “the plan” set up the traitorous Democrats and RINO co-conspirators so perfectly? With legal warrants, the good guys can hear EVERYTHING.
And you know what else? They didn’t forget to press “Record”, either.
The unbelievably faked false-flag Capitol “attack”, and this coordinated supine response (as described in this letter) that enabled the grotesquely false narrative which the Left is now using to a) call patriots “domestic terrorists” and b) “impeach” a private citizen for calling for peace... it’s going to implode so spectacularly as to take 2/3 of Congress with it.
Once the loser dominoes (“they totally just killed a girl, dudes!”) at the bottom start to fall, this movie is going to be a blockbuster.
And how did those in charge of “the plan” set up the traitorous Democrats and RINO co-conspirators so perfectly? With legal warrants, the good guys can hear EVERYTHING.
And you know what else? They didn’t forget to press “Record”, either.
It’s going to be “biblical”, folks.
Hope you're right.
Here is a great breakdown of the shooting for those interested:
I'm guessing they didn't give their info to the FBI
FBI would just bulldoze the evidence and cover up for the terrorists, like they normally do.