Well, what convenient timing... "Deepfake detectors can be defeated, computer scientists show for the first time"
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Agreed! Every fake I've seen seem like a fake to me. The recent one with Obama (I guess the one in the article) looks fake as hell.
Hey did you notice the two 2020 Queen's Christmas ceremonies? One was an obvious deep fake... Pretty shit quality too... However, I got thinking, why would they do that... Then I went and compared the 2019 ceremony and the apparently real 2020 ceremony and noticed the 2020 queen has a lot less lively color to her, as well her moles to the left of her neck are lighter than the previous year... Then, I remembered she got coronavirus in the summer... What are the odds that she didn't make it and they had to release a shitty deep fake to throw off the fact that the other one was a more elaborate deep fake?... Just a thought worth investigating... :)
At this point I would believe anything. But you're right, the one with the deep tan doesn't really look like the Queen. Unless it's an homage to Trump. :)