Well, what convenient timing... "Deepfake detectors can be defeated, computer scientists show for the first time"
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LOL... ohhh, this shit again? Every time the Deep State thinks shit is going to drop, there is a whole wave of "Deepfake" news and DNC politicians hyperventilating about the dangers of "Deepfakes".
It's painfully obvious that they are just building a foundation to express doubt when compromising videos are dropped.
But... these are all garbage. I've seen some versions that are WAY better than this, and it's still obvious AF that it's an edited video. Even to an untrained eye.
The kicker is going to be obvious.
White hats know that the "deep fake" cover story will be used prior to releasing any video evidence that puts them in checkmate. So they will likely have 2-3 points of corroboration to go along with the video evidence that can't be explained via "computer scientist" hax0r3.
They are so stupid.