Cops can go ahead and try to enter without a warrant. When enough of them die as a result of learning about the Second Amendment the hard way, the rest won't do it anymore.
Gun control like most "issues" is Magic 101, misdirection. That gets the spotlight while in the background the real work is being done. Mandatory insurance to keep guns, ammo background checks and yearly/monthly buying limits, psychological screening, yearly training, and big licensing fees. The goal is to make legal ownership expensive and near impossible. "See, Democrats didn't ban guns, we made them safe.". Everything mentioned is within HR 127. And if SCOTUS rules against the 4th Amendment, that's just a bonus.
Interesting. Because I read the rules and it said, "shall not be infringed"
Cops can go ahead and try to enter without a warrant. When enough of them die as a result of learning about the Second Amendment the hard way, the rest won't do it anymore.
Please just start the confiscations already so we can find out if America still deserves to be free or not..
Gun control like most "issues" is Magic 101, misdirection. That gets the spotlight while in the background the real work is being done. Mandatory insurance to keep guns, ammo background checks and yearly/monthly buying limits, psychological screening, yearly training, and big licensing fees. The goal is to make legal ownership expensive and near impossible. "See, Democrats didn't ban guns, we made them safe.". Everything mentioned is within HR 127. And if SCOTUS rules against the 4th Amendment, that's just a bonus.
Also says somewhere shall not be infridged and all other amendments are subject bto change except the first 10.
I must infridge my ice cream.